This year's conference was held February 17-19 in College Park, Maryland, where the theme was Catch Me if You Can: Museum Leadership Flying into the 21st Century. Representatives of small museums from across the country came together to examine leadership in small museums and what it means for leadership to be rooted in and reflect values such as advocacy, inclusivity, and equity.
The keynote speaker was Dr. Suse Anderson, professor in the Museum Studies Program at the George Washington University and host of the podcast, Museopunks. She recorded her address as a podcast episode, engaging in conversation with Dr. Kasey Grier, Director of the Museum Studies Program at the University of Delaware, and Danielle Gabriel, doctoral student in Human and Organizational Learning at George Washington University.
The Monday night banquet attendees were encouraged to don aviation-themed costumes inspired by Amelia Earhart and other early aviators with the promise of a prize for the best costume. Barbara and Sadie went dressed at vintage-style flight attendants!
--Sadie Somerville