October 18, 2020
Our new exhibition, opening October 18th, celebrates the traditions of Equality in its many forms in the Ardens. Of course, nationally 2020 has marked the 100th Anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, bringing equality to the voting booth, but equality has many forms. In the Ardens we have seen it at work in many ways though out our history. We look forward to displaying these traditions in the new exhibition.
The Covid-19 epidemic, of course, has had an impact on our plans. We will be open from 1-3 PM and the new show will be on display in the Bernie Schwab Community Room. We ask that guests wear masks and line-up to enter though the front door – we will monitor the number of visitors. As you exit through the BSCR, we plan (weather permitting) to offer some limited refreshments and hope that socially appropriate gatherings can be held on the Green. We will miss our usual opening celebration, but we hope many of you will be able to join us.
Our current exhibition 15 Years – 15 Treasures is still on display and well worth a visit.
*If you would like to visit the Museum during our regular hours, please send an email to [email protected] at least 24 hours before your visit. That way we can keep track of the number of visitors.
*We will only be able to receive up to 9 visitors at a time.
*We will be sanitizing all touch surfaces before and after visits.
*All visitors and staff must sanitize their hands before entering the Museum and wear a face mask while inside. We have hand sanitizer already inside the door.
The Past Has a Future in The Ardens